The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the Pastor and the coordinating and unifying structure of the Parish community. It is the means of achieving the full participation of the whole Parish in its mission by giving all a voice in supporting, guiding and directing the various aspects of Parish life. Its members gather together the visions, hopes and needs of the community, reflecting upon them until a consensus is reached, and translate this consensus into parish planning through the establishment of goals and objectives. The Council ensures that these goals and objectives are implemented by the parish commissions and committees and that they are evaluated annually by the faith community. Pastoral Council has one standing committee: Evangelization.
The Finance Council oversees the parish finances, ensures proper stewardship, and provides accountability and transparency through regular reviews of the parish budget and financial report to the Archdiocese of Detroit. The FC reviews and approves large capital expenditures.
Stewardship is a way of life encouraged by the Scriptures and supported throughout the history of the Church. It is a way of giving back to God the first and best. In agricultural societies it meant giving a regular portion of the quality crops to the church for distribution to the poor. Now, while our lives have changed, the concept of Stewardship remains the same. We are each called to give time, talent, and treasure to the Church first, in a spirit of gratitude, for the many blessings we have already received, for the good of the poor and marginalized, and for the ongoing work of building the reign of God.
Education flows from our worship and service. Religious Education and sacramental preparation is offered for all children and teens with options suited to the contemporary suburban family’s hectic schedule. We also offer opportunities throughout the year for adult formation in the faith. In addition, St. Cyprian also supports our local Catholic elementary schools. Gabriel Richard Catholic High School is just a mile away and offers the finest college-prep curriculum in our area, with many of their liturgical celebrations occurring in St. Cyprian Church.
Worship, especially in the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy, is the focal point of Catholic life. In the words of the Second Vatican Council: Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed. It is also the font from which all its power flows (Sacrosanctum Concilium,10). Because we bring all of the week’s accomplishments and failures to the Sunday assembly, it is important that we gather in thanksgiving and petition as we enter another week. This provides the necessary food for the Christian journey.
Service is the natural outpouring of our worship. Once we pray and feast on the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ, we sense the call to serve the parish and the community. We urge you to become involved in some specific parish activity through which you bring your new life to others. We announce the needs through our weekly newsletter, The Connection. When we all offer some of our time and talent, heavy loads are made much lighter.